Let’s check in with the neighborhood of Shiloh Farms, located in York, South Carolina in the Lake Wylie region. The market here is stable, with very little fluctuation in the average price per square foot of homes and little change in the average sales price.
However, with not a whole lot of sales activity here, inventory is skewing high. There are currently five homes on the market in Shiloh Farms, representing 10 months of inventory. This much inventory indicates a buyer’s market in this neighborhood. Comparatively, the town of York has 5.9 months of inventory and York County as a whole has 5.4 months of inventory, both of which are numbers that represent almost a perfectly balanced market, where we have neither a buyer’s nor seller’s market.
Shiloh Farms offers lovely homes on expansive lots as well as a great community. Plus, the town of York is a great place to live, conveniently located between the I-77 and I-85 corridors. This charming town has an intimate character with a small friendly community. There is a strong sense of history here as well as a quieter, slower pace, which offers a desirable alternative to living in a large metropolitan area like Charlotte. However, if you need to get your big city fix, Charlotte is only a little over an hour drive away. And, if you need to feel like you are on a lake vacation, beautiful Lake Wylie is only a 25-minute drive from Shiloh Farms.
Four out of the five homes currently on the market in Shiloh Farms are at least 3,250 square feet and have no less than four bedrooms and two baths. They are gorgeous properties on beautiful lots.
Check out Shiloh farms!