When you are looking for a home on Lake Wylie, you may have only focused your search on specific neighborhoods. Maybe you are interested in homes zoned to a particular school, or you want to be on the North or South Carolina side of the lake. Maybe you are searching for the perfect retreat or waterfront oasis. One thing not to miss out on, are homes not in a specific neighborhood.
Many of the older, more established homes on Lake Wylie were built before many of the neighborhoods were built. This means that you could be excluding the perfect property from your search criteria. Some of these homes have amazing features that are not allowed on newer properties, like boat houses. Some of these homes don’t specify which schools they are zoned for so if you are using a school to narrow your search, you will miss these unique homes in your parameters.
Some of these homes that could be excluded from your search are true finds, like homes built in the 1940’s but have been extensively remodeled to look like a new home. Some have large private lots with private beaches. Some have amazing wooden cathedral ceilings with amazing views of the lake.
If you want help with your property search so you can find the home of your dreams in Lake Wylie, give us a call at 803-831-8588. We can help guide your search so you don’t miss the perfect home. You can search for properties and create custom searches on our website here.