Along Banks Street and Academy Street in Fort Mill is the old Fort Mill high school site. That is soon to be home to a redevelopment project that would build 51 single-family homes on approximately 13 acres of land. The housing would be age-restricted, and strategically s, in order to not add any additional students to the Fort Mill school district. This age-restricted development will also further help to enhance and revitalize this area of Fort Mill.
The gym portion of the old high school, which still remains even while the rest of the school was demolished has been leased to the town of Fort Mill for use by the parks and recreation offices and for some recreation programs in the city.
The new development plan that would build the age-restricted homes would call to take down the high school gym, which occupies nearly seven acres. A final decision on the rezoning and approval of this project will be made as early as February 13, with final details, dates and development plans still to be determined. For more information on this housing project, check out the full article at, and be sure to stay tuned for what’s next here, as Fort Mill continues to boom with new development projects.